Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
Time: 2024-11-21 1:04pm
Script: /index.php
SQL: SELECT attach.*,af.description,t.tid,t.fid,t.digest,t.author,t.subject,t.displayorder
FROM `[Table]attachments` attach
LEFT JOIN `[Table]attachmentfields` af ON attach.aid=af.aid
INNER JOIN `[Table]threads` t
ON `t`.`tid`=`attach`.`tid` AND `displayorder`>='0'
WHERE `attach`.`dateline`>=1729573479 AND `attach`.`readperm`='0' AND `attach`.`price`='0'
AND `attach`.`isimage` IN ('1', '-1')
GROUP BY `attach`.`tid`
ORDER BY `attach`.`dateline` DESC
LIMIT 0,5;
Error: Table './bbs/[Table]threads' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Errno.: 145
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.